Festivals of the World
Christmas in Australia
A Summer Time Christmas at 30 Degrees Celsius: Events and Food are Completely Australian
World of the New Century
Peace Boat (Headquarters: Tokyo)
A Single Soccer Ball Gives Courage, Lifts the Spirits, and Promotes Mutual Understanding Soccer Promotes Cultural Exchange with People Around the World and Aids Developing Countries
Shimadzu Developments in Biotechnology (PDF:242 KB)
μ-TAS (micro-Total Analysis System) Paves the Way for 21st Century Biotechnology Higher Sensitivity and Greater Speed Lab-on-a-Chip Technology Accelerates the Development of Genomics and Proteomics
Playing a Big Role (PDF:95 KB)
Partnerships in Education Utah State University Shimadzu Analytical Laboratory
Woodland Scenery-Timber Culture-
The Hinoki of Horyu-ji Temple
The Wonder of a Japanese Indigenous Wood That Gains in Strength After Being Cut Down and is Used to Support the World's Oldest Timber-structured Building
Sport Becomes Science
Why is a large head beneficial on a golf club?
A Bigger Sweet Spot Overcomes Mis-shots
New Products and Topics (PDF:363 KB)