島津評論 Vol.71[3・4](2014)
特集 化学工業材料の分析・評価


Sensitive Detection and Quantitation of Quorum Sensing Signalling Molecules in Complex Environmental Samples by LC/MS/MS Method

Chuan Hao (Grant) Tan1, 2Kai Shyang Koh2Yan Zhou1, 3Scott A Rice1, 2, 4Staffan Kjelleberg2, 4Wun Jern Ng1, 3Peiting Zeng5and Zhaoqi Zhan5

島津評論 71〔3・4〕 163~171 (2015.3)


Acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) are produced by Gram-negative bacteria and act as intercellular signals for cell-to-cell communication or quorum sensing (QS) signalling. By sensing the level of AHLs released into the environment, bacteria can regulate gene expression and synchronize their social behavior. Conventionally, AHLs are detected by biosensor-based bioassays, which are time-consuming, with narrow detection range and limited sensitivity. In this study, we have developed a novel, rapid, highly sensitive and specific LC/MS/MS method to detect and quantify a broad range of AHLs extracted from both standard laboratory and complex environmental samples.




1Advanced Environmental Biotechnology Centre, Singapore
2Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
3Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute, Singapore
4The Centre for Marine Bio-Innovation, The University of New South Wales, Australia
5Customer Support Centre, Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore
