島津評論 Vol.71[3・4](2014)
特集 化学工業材料の分析・評価


Application of Multidimensional Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Technique (MD-GC-MS) in Organic Chemical Synthesis

Li-Wei Wang1Jun Fan1Tao-Hong Huang1Shin-ichi Kawano1and Yuki Hashi, Ph.D.1

島津評論 71〔3・4〕 147~154 (2015.3)


Methods for determination of alkylbenzenes or xylenes using multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique (MD-GC-MS) were established. Analytical requirements in chemical synthesis and the characteristics of MD-GC-MS are briefly discussed together with the application of MD-GC-MS in the organic chemical synthesis field.




1Shimadzu Global COE for Application & Technical Development, Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China
