(B1, B2) with Multidimensional Gas Chromatography System
島津評論 66〔1・2〕 103~111 (2009.9)
Direct determination of methyl laurate (C12ME) in low concentration biodiesel blends such as B1, B2, was carried out using a dual oven multidimensional gas chromatography (MDGC) system without the need for any tedious sample preparation process. The biodiesel blend was first introduced through a non-polar column which initiates its primary separation. The unseparated target analyte, C12ME was then selectively heart cut and was introduced for a 2nd dimension separation through a polar column that has independent operating temperature programs via the 2nd column oven. The remaining non-targeted high boiling components in the non-polar column were subsequently back flushed and were purged out at high oven temperature setting of the 1st column oven.Accurate and precise qualitative and quantitative data were also shown by the middle bore capillary MDGC approach. Fast MDGC method utilizing narrow bore capillary columns was also investigated for this application.
Keywords : Multidimensional gas chromatography, MDGC, Two-dimensional gas chromatography, Coconut methyl ester, Biodiesel, Heart cut, Back flush
1Customer Support Centre, Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd., Singapore
2GC & TA Business Unit, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan