島津評論 Vol.65[1・2](2008)
特集 食品の安全と品質評価


Rapid Method Development of HPLC by Using Ultra Fast LC System

Zhaoqi Zhan1Yuan Lin1Jie Xing1Yulia Jomono1and Naoki Hamada2

島津評論 65〔1・2〕 117~123 (2008.9)


It is worth to note that linear method transfer between fast LC(UFLC) and conventional HPLC is critical in this application. A good linear relationship observed in this work may be related to two factors, the same types of C18 columns(manufacturer, materials, packing and capping technique, etc) and on the same system for both UFLC column and HPLC column. These factors minimize the differences of chromatographic conditions except the particle size of packing materials and dimension of the columns. We have not tried the same procedure on different types of columns and different systems. It is expected, however, that the differences in LC systems may cause systematic shift of retention times, but would not affect the linear relationship between fast LC and conventional HPLC if the system configurations are same and the piping systems are well set up to minimize dead volumes. It has not examined the linear method transfer relationship among columns provided by different manufacturers. Further study on this aspect is needed.
The results of this work show that UFLC could be very useful in HPLC method development to enhance the efficiency and productivity. This approach is practically beneficial to various industries like chemicals, foods and pharmaceutics where conventional HPLC is still dominant in their QA/QC and R&D laboratories.

Keywords:High performance liquid chromatography, HPLC, Ultra fast analysis, UFLC, Method development, Antioxidants, Linear method transfer

1Customer Support Centre, Shimadzu(Asia Pacific)Pte. Ltd., Singapore
2Analytical Applications Department, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan
