Mar. 19, 2015: Mass++ Software is Now Available for Download as Open Source Software

Mass++ is freeware for displaying and analyzing mass spectrometry data from a variety of vendors. As of the end of February 2015, it has over 2,300 users, especially outside Japan.
Mass++ was developed jointly by Shimadzu Corporation’s Koichi Tanaka Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology together with Eisai Co., Ltd., based on the results inherited from a JST/CREST project, as part of research and development funded by Japan’s Cabinet Office under the FIRST Program. Even after the FIRST Program was ended, Shimadzu Corporation has continued to issue updates and publish corresponding academic papers, but in an effort to promote the use of results from the program throughout society, stimulate the broader adoption of Mass++, and improve the environment for user-developed plug-ins, we are now offering Mass++ as open source software.

Offering it as open source software makes it much easier to expand or modify simple Mass++ functionality. Furthermore, the source code for existing plug-ins is also being made available as sample code for developing new plug-ins that provide new functionality for Mass++.


For more information about releasing open source Mass++ software, visit this link:
The Open Sourcing of Mass++
(This links to information about releasing software, a SourceForge source code download site, and so on.)


Related Topics :
Aug. 8, 2014: The first paper introducing “Mass++” was published
Jun. 10, 2014: Database “ProteinCarta” for protein identification with short terminal sequences is released on the web.
Jun. 10, 2014: Web application “PTM Librarian” for displaying literature information of protein modifications is released.
May. 15, 2014: Mass++ beginners’ guide has been released.
Mar. 27, 2014: Mass++ analysis software upgrade released.