Jan. 25, 2013: Speech at “Genome Cohort” Science Council of Japan Symposium

The Science Council of Japan Symposium “Human Life-Information Integrated Research – Large-Scale Genome Cohort Studies as the Cornerstone of Public Health” was held on Wednesday, January 23, 2013. Members of industry and academia involved with advancing cohort studies in Japan introduced the current status, problems, and future potential of cohort studies.
Koichi Tanaka, the core researcher on this project, gave a speech entitled “Contributions to Cohort Studies with a Focus on State-of-the-Art Mass Spectrometry.” He introduced the ripple effect of previous results and cohort studies on various fields and described the advantages of an interdisciplinary approach.
A lively question-and-answer session ensued at a panel discussion in which all speakers participated. For example, they discussed scientific literacy and the importance of dialog with the people in a disease-free society.